Sushi and physics..
Started my day with bag usual..then,had physics practical. Sambung-ing wires from ammeter to battries,rheostat,voltmeter..bla bla bla..Our experiment was successful=) the bulb lighted up, the constantan wire turned hot..wel, not too accidents whatsoever. But one thing I hate about physics practical though.. drawing graphs! Hate it. So hard to get the right one..
After that..had sejarah. not paying attention though..made myself look rajin-ted abit by writing stuff into my
After that, it was moral.No one pays attention anyway.Started with my physics practical report..halfway finished..then, went down for recess early.hehe..
Oh yea! t'is Jia Yi's birthday today!
(Dun worry..ur present'll come=)
Then, t'was English.But teacher wasn't there. had a relieve teacher who kebetulannya was my school's counselling teacher. Told us about some IPTA Matriculation thingy. Not really listening to wat she was saying though.
fast forwarding..
Had dinner at Kinsahi. They had this promotion of RM1 for a bowl of fried chicken ramen. Awesome. For the first time, I ate raw tuna,salmon and octopus tentacles.Sliced. Yup..OCTOPUS's tentacles. wasn't so bad..kinda nice actually=p hehe..
Then, went home..tried to complete my physics graph with much difficulty if I might say so myself as the readings turned out wrong.Somewhat terbaliked. So, had to manipulate the results.wasn't my first time manipulating results anyway..haha=)
finally got a chun-ted graph=)hehe
that's all i guess..gona watch tv now..